Page Break Podcast

A podcast hosted by
Brian McClellan

Page Break is a collection of casual conversations between epic fantasy author Brian McClellan and fellow creative professionals—like two friends sitting down over lunch to discuss career, craft, family, and hobbies.

Authorhood is a quiet sort of minor fame where the person behind the words is often obscured by the works they’ve created. Brian aims to use this podcast to find out more about his friends and colleagues.

Look forward to weekly conversations with creators like TV writer/producer Joseph Mallozzi, epic fantasy author Robin Hobb, science fiction author Pierce Brown, Twitch streamer Mark Hulmes, and many more!

In the first episode, I talk with TV writer/producer Joseph Mallozzi of Stargate and Dark Matter fame about his storied career as well as a possible Powder Mage TV series!

Check the podcast out, and subscribe through your listening platform of choice!

A New Episode Every Tuesday

Season 1

Season 2