BingeBooks Author Spotlight

Here’s something cool: I’m being featured as the Fantasy Spotlight Author at BingeBooks for the next two weeks!

I'm a founding author of Bingebooks and have neglected mentioning them until now, so indulge me for a little plug:

BingeBooks is a new—and free!—online community for book lovers designed to help folks discover new books and authors they’ll love.

One of the things that makes BingeBooks different is that you can read or listen to book chapters right away, interact with authors and other readers, and find deals to buy the book in whatever format you want all in one place.

It’s also an independent enterprise run by authors based on input from readers. The goal isn’t to sell you things you don’t want: it’s to help sort through all the stories out there to find the ones you do want to read. That’s why I’m one of the founding authors.

So take a look, sample my books or any others on the site, and find something great to read!

Casey BlairComment