Two Days!

What's been going on the last week, you ask? Well, I've continued on with my blog tour with the following items: I talk about Learning to Write from Brandon Sanderson over at Rob's Blog o' Stuff. Rob then interviewed me later that same week and we talked about muskets, fan fiction, Highlanders (there can be only one), and cats. Typical stuff. I had a longer interview by Paul Weimer over at SF Signal at the beginning of the month, and on Dark Matter Fanzine I talked about Researching Reality for a Fantasy World.

I was Goodreads' Debut Author Snapshot for April, which was super cool.

Orbit has posted another map from Promise of Blood up on The Powder Mage Trilogy Facebook Page. Don't forget that "liking" that page will allow you to read the first four chapters of the book.

More reviews are pouring in. You can see any of the ones over at Goodreads by following the link, but some of my favorites are at The Founding Fields, SciFiNow, and Fantasy Book Critic - all of which were very complimentary.

Just two days left until the international launch of Promise of Blood.

Wow. I can't believe it's that close.

I could say I'm not freaking out at all, but I'd be lying. I've been waiting for this moment since I first decided I wanted to be an author ten years ago and it is now almost upon us. Go about your way - I'll just keep breathing into this paper bag.