Page Break Podcast Episode 54: Amie Kaufman

The fifty fourth episode of my podcast Page Break is now out! In this episode, my guest is international bestseller Amie Kaufman!

An author of science fiction and fantasy for young adults, Amie is known for her Starbound Trilogy and Unearthed series, which she co-wrote with Meagan Spooner; the Illuminae Files and Aurora Cycle, which she co-wrote with Jay Kristoff, and her Elementals trilogy.

Amie and I chat about international travel, the joys of a quiet hotel room, and touring as a YA author. She tells me about her mutually-constructive relationship with her co-authors and the questions you ask yourself—and each other—when working with a creative partner. We also talk a bit about writing from a place of grief and let me tell you, listening back to this hit a little bit harder since my brother passed away last month.

Page Break with Brian McClellan is a collection of casual conversations between me and fellow creative professionals—like two friends sitting down over lunch to discuss career, craft, family, and hobbies.

Authorhood is a quiet sort of minor fame where the person behind the words is often obscured by the works they’ve created. I aim to use this podcast to find out more about my friends and colleagues.

Look forward to weekly conversations with creators like TV writer/producer Joseph Mallozzi, epic fantasy author Robin Hobb, science fiction author Pierce Brown, Twitch streamer Mark Hulmes, and many more!

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