Page Break Podcast Episode 70: Becky Chambers

The seventieth episode of my podcast Page Break is now out! My guest this week is author Becky Chambers! Becky is known for her breakout science fiction Wayfarers series, which began in 2015 with A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. Wayfarers books have been nominated for a whole bunch of awards, and won the Hugo for best series in 2019. Becky is also the author of the Monk and Robot series as well as a number of short stories.

Becky and I chat about beekeeping and our love of the natural world, and the way hope and wonder helps fuel our writing. We also talk about the way fiction can explore nuance in a way the real world often ignores. Finally, we get into the way writers grow and change over time, and how we can fall into the rut of working on the same types of projects for the same audiences over and over again.

Page Break with Brian McClellan is a collection of casual conversations between me and fellow creative professionals—like two friends sitting down over lunch to discuss career, craft, family, and hobbies.

Authorhood is a quiet sort of minor fame where the person behind the words is often obscured by the works they’ve created. I aim to use this podcast to find out more about my friends and colleagues.

Look forward to weekly conversations with creators like TV writer/producer Joseph Mallozzi, epic fantasy author Robin Hobb, science fiction author Pierce Brown, Twitch streamer Mark Hulmes, and many more!

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