Blood of Empire Audiobook Delay

Hey everyone. I have a little bit of sad news regarding a delay of the Blood of Empire audiobook, which is now likely not to be out until March. Here’s a word straight from my audio reader, Christian Rodska:

"Christian has been unwell recently and not feeling up to giving the performance the book deserves. He is recovering well and will be ready to deliver a sterling performance very soon once he has recovered from Chemotherapy"

What this means is that we’re pushing back the audiobook for a few months so that Christian, rather than a stand-in, will be able to do the reading once he’s had time to recover. I know this is a huge disappointment for audio listeners waiting to hear the end of the Powder Mage saga, but I hope everyone understands that Christian’s health comes first. He’s done such an amazing job on the Powder Mage books. Best wishes to him and his family, and I’m looking forward to his reading in 2020!

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