Second Series

I can finally announce, to my great excitement, that I will be writing three more books for Orbit after the end of the Powder Mage Trilogy! The deal was nailed down by my awesome agent, Caitlin Blasdell, of Liza Dawson Associates. I will continue to be edited by the wonderful, fantastically foul-mouthed Devi Pillai.

The new series will take place in the Powder Mage universe ten years after the end of the first trilogy. It will follow soldiers, politicians, Privileged sorcerers, and powder mages through a conflict on a distant continent. I probably shouldn't say much more about it, as even mentioning the viewpoints could cause spoilers for the first three books. I will say that all the viewpoints will be new (though some of the characters will certainly be familiar).

Obviously this is still a ways off. The Crimson Campaign is finished and in production (due out in February), and I'm working on book three which is penciled in for the beginning of 2015. I imagine that the soonest we'll see the new series is at the end of that year. In the meantime, you can get your hands on my Powder Mage short stories "The Girl of Hrusch Avenue" and "Hope's End." I plan on trying to put out a new Powder Mage short story every three months or so for the foreseeable future.

Oh, and Promise of Blood is still on sale for $1.99 in North America.


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