Page Break Podcast Episode 44: Scott Lynch

The forty-fourth episode of my new podcast Page Break is now out! In this episode, my guest is epic fantasy author Scott Lynch.

Scott is the author of the critically-acclaimed and best-selling The Lies of Locke Lamora and the follow-ups Red Seas Under Red Skies and The Republic of Thieves.

Scott and I talk about the double-edged nature of being a writer during the pandemic, and the need to attend to your physical health even when you don’t want to. We also discuss Scott’s ongoing battle with mental health issues and how they’ve affected his career, both publicly and privately. Finally, Scott chats about where he’s at with his writing and what fans can hope to expect from him in the near future.

Page Break with Brian McClellan is a collection of casual conversations between me and fellow creative professionals—like two friends sitting down over lunch to discuss career, craft, family, and hobbies.

Authorhood is a quiet sort of minor fame where the person behind the words is often obscured by the works they’ve created. I aim to use this podcast to find out more about my friends and colleagues.

Look forward to weekly conversations with creators like TV writer/producer Joseph Mallozzi, epic fantasy author Robin Hobb, science fiction author Pierce Brown, Twitch streamer Mark Hulmes, and many more!

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